Saturday, August 16, 2008


So, in May, I started a new part time job that I absolutely love as a gymnastics coach. I teach twice a week and after you are done with your classes, you have a short 15 minute chore to complete. For this entire 6 week session, my chore was cleaning the bathroom. At first, I hated the thought, but it turned out to be a quick and easy chore. Today (after six weeks) I said to the receptionist (who is the preschool director's mother) "Yay, I'm about to do my last bathroom cleaning!" So she says "Oh, you mean you already cleaned one bathroom and you are going to clean the other one?" At that moment, my heart felt like it fell down to my feet - the entire semester, I'd only been cleaning the WOMEN'S bathroom - I had completely forgotten that there even IS a men's room since it is in an area away from the women's room that I never go to!!! Luckily, I covered myself pretty well and scurried into the men's room to scrub like a maniac! What a total blonde I am! At least someone else had been cleaning bathrooms on the four days a week I don't teach. Geesh!


Ken said...

Hi Julie!

On behalf of the men who happen upon your blog, thank you for cleaning our restroom!

Congratulations on your new blog. It is really adorable!

Uncle Ken

Lora said...

lol That is too funny! Well to quote Blake when he ws not much older than Sydney, "That's ok. Nobody's perfect 'cept Jesus."